• 5 языковых центров в Оренбурге
  • 13 лет на рынке Оренбурга
  • Профессиональные преподаватели и носители языка
  • Возврат НДФЛ за образовательные услуги
+7 (3532) 92 91 99
Запись на бесплатный урок

- Accommodation

- Three meals a day

- Excursion program, 20 lessons of Russian language plus various activities

– 1 Indian Teacher per 10 students arrives for free as a group - leader

Price - 56 000 INR per 14 days

If you have any questions, please contact the organizer:

8 (987) 895-48-49



Day 1

A walk along the embankment

Day 2

Russian language lesson
Pushkin Museum
A lesson in traditional painting

Day 3

Russian language lesson
Museum of the first Cosmonaut Gagarin
A lesson in traditional painting

Day 4

Russian language lesson
The Governor's Museum
Excursion to Orenburg University

Day 5

Russian language lesson
Golden Age Tour
Fencing lesson with a master of sports

Day 6

Museum of Prime Minister

Day 7

Saraktash monastery

Day 8

Russian language lesson
Gallery of outstanding Orenburg residents
Making a doll

Day 9

Russian language lesson
Museum of Fine Arts

Day 10

Russian language lesson
Children's Railway
The historical center of the city

Day 11

Russian language lesson
The Petin Sculptors' Museum

Day 12

Russian language lesson
The Downy Shawl Museum
Art Gallery

Day 13

National Village
Rostropovich Museum

Day 14

The Museum of Defenders of the Fatherland
Frunze Park
Eternal Flame

If you have any questions, please contact the organizer:

8 (987) 895-48-49
